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Text File | 1992-07-13 | 4.3 KB | 259 lines | [TEXT/KAHL] |
- /*
- File: DTEditDoc.c
- Written by: Mark Gross
- Copyright: © 1992 by Applied Technical Software, all rights reserved.
- Use at your own risk.
- */
- //This is the diffinition of the DTEditDoc-ument Class
- #include "DTEditDoc.h"
- #include "DTEditWind.h"
- #include "DApplication.h"
- DTEditDoc::DTEditDoc()
- {
- fText != NULL;
- }
- DTEditDoc::~DTEditDoc()
- {
- if( fText != NULL)
- TEDispose( fText);
- }
- DDocument* DTEditDoc::Init( Boolean OpenFromFile)
- {
- Rect view, dest;
- DDocument *inheritedDoc;
- dest.left = 4;
- dest.top = 4;
- dest.right = 400;
- dest.bottom = kMaxShort;
- view.left = 0; view.top = 0; view.right = 0; view.bottom = 0;
- fText = TENew(&dest, &view);
- inheritedDoc = inherited::Init(OpenFromFile);
- return inheritedDoc;
- }
- void DTEditDoc::AEInitDoc(FSSpec *theFSS)
- {
- Rect view, dest;
- DDocument *inheritedDoc;
- dest.left = 4;
- dest.top = 4;
- dest.right = 400;
- dest.bottom = kMaxShort;
- view.left = 0; view.top = 0; view.right = 0; view.bottom = 0;
- fText = TENew(&dest, &view);
- inherited::AEInitDoc(theFSS);
- }//end member function AEInitDoc
- void DTEditDoc::HandleMenuChoice(short menuID, short menuItem)
- {
- if( menuID == rEditMenu)
- {
- switch (menuItem)
- {
- case iUndo:
- ;//do nothing, for now
- break;
- case iCut:
- DoCut();
- break;
- case iCopy:
- DoCopy();
- break;
- case iPaste:
- DoPaste();
- break;
- case iClear:
- DoClear();
- break;
- case iSelectAll:
- DoSellectAll();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }// end switch on menuItem
- }
- inherited::HandleMenuChoice(menuID, menuItem);
- }// end of HandleMenuChoice member fuction
- void DTEditDoc::DoSellectAll(void)
- {
- TESetSelect(0, kMaxShort, fText);
- }
- void DTEditDoc::SetUpMenues(void)
- {
- MenuHandle menu;
- menu = GetMHandle(rEditMenu);
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iUndo, FALSE);
- if ( (**fText).selStart != (**fText).selEnd )
- {
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iCut, TRUE);
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iCopy, TRUE);
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iClear, TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iCut, FALSE);
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iCopy, FALSE);
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iClear, FALSE);
- }
- if ( (gApplication->fClipData)&&(gApplication->fClipType == 'TEXT') )
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iPaste, TRUE);
- else
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iPaste, FALSE);
- EnableMenuItem( menu, iSelectAll, TRUE);
- inherited::SetUpMenues();
- }// end of SetUpMenues function
- DWindow* DTEditDoc::MakeWindow(Boolean hasColorWindows)
- {
- DTEditWind *newWindow;
- Rect view;
- newWindow = new DTEditWind;
- fDWindow = newWindow;
- if (newWindow->Init(this, hasColorWindows))
- {
- newWindow->GetContentRect( &view);
- (**fText).viewRect = view;
- TEAutoView(TRUE, fText);
- // if your application needs a click loop set it here using
- // SetClikLoop(MyClickLoop, fTEHandle)
- newWindow->ValidateVertScrollRange();
- return newWindow;
- }
- else
- {
- fDWindow = NULL;
- return fDWindow;
- }
- }//end member function MakeWindow
- OSErr DTEditDoc::ReadData(short refNum, long *size)
- {
- OSErr fileError;
- Handle data;
- data = NewHandle(*size);
- if(*size > kMaxShort)
- *size = kMaxShort;
- HLock(data);
- fileError = FSRead(refNum, size, *data);
- if(fileError != noErr)
- {
- HUnlock(data);
- TEDispose( fText);
- fText = NULL;
- return fileError;
- }
- TESetText(*data, *size, fText);
- TESetSelect( 0, 0, fText);
- HUnlock(data);
- DisposHandle(data);
- fFileRef = refNum;
- return fileError;
- }
- OSErr DTEditDoc::WriteData(short refNum)
- {
- fDataHandle = (Handle)TEGetText(fText);
- return inherited::WriteData(refNum);
- }
- void DTEditDoc::DoCopy(void)
- {
- Handle TEData;
- TECopy(fText);
- TEData = TEScrapHandle();
- gApplication->GiveDataToApp(TEData, 'TEXT');
- }// end of DoCopy member fuction
- void DTEditDoc::DoClear(void)
- {
- TEDelete(fText);
- fNeedToSave = TRUE;
- ((DTEditWind *)fDWindow)->SynchScrollBars();
- }// end of DoCopy member fuction
- void DTEditDoc::DoCut(void)
- {
- DoCopy();
- DoClear();
- }// end of DoCut member fuction
- void DTEditDoc::DoPaste(void)
- {
- OSType type;
- Handle tempHandle;
- Handle teScrap;
- long scrapLen;
- tempHandle = gApplication->GetClipCopyFromApp(&type);
- if(type == 'TEXT')
- {
- teScrap = TEScrapHandle( );
- HandAndHand( tempHandle, teScrap);
- scrapLen = GetHandleSize(teScrap);
- TESetScrapLen(scrapLen);
- TEPaste(fText);
- fNeedToSave = TRUE;
- ((DTEditWind *)fDWindow)->SynchScrollBars();
- }
- }// end of DoPaste member fuction